Step Up Little Lady
I really like the idea of building a business. It is always interesting to learn new things and find out industry insights we take for granted. I've been running my interior design business for 20 years and yet this feels like my first rodeo. Not every common sense business practice crosses over from one industry to the other, but that's okay and that's what makes things challenging.
There are some things I could have done to make the path easier, decisions I could have made to spend less money on development (or more money!) I could have given up on some ideas to make the journey quicker. When I take the goal as a whole into consideration, I really want to be proud and comfortable with the products I will eventually put out into the world. My goal is that the designs are made with sustainable materials. I want to work with manufacturers that are providing a fair living wage and clean comfortable working conditions. I like the idea of working with companies that are local to me and are a positive force on the local economy. I've also recently realized I now seek out other women run businesses and women entrepreneurs. (As an interior designer I need to visit residential construction sites on a regular basis, and I get "little lady-ed" way too much, that stops now.) As I move forward with Her Riding Habit, these are some of the ideals that I base my decisions on and why I decided to forge ahead with this new business. Join me in this journey!